广东省委党校图书馆前面有一古老的凉亭。凉亭斑驳陈旧 ,圆顶上长满了青苔。它虽不起眼 ,但显得古朴庄重 ,特别引人注意的是那柱子上镌刻着的五条古训 ,它那娟秀有力的隶体字透出中国传统美德固有的生命力。“仲尼之言曰自古皆有死民无信不立”。“仲尼”是孔子的字。这句话来?
Guangdong Provincial Party School Library in front of an ancient pavilion. Gazebo mottled obsolete, dome covered with moss. Although of a very small size, it appears solemn and solemn. Of particular note are the five ancient motto engraved on the pole. Its powerful and vigorous character reveals the inherent vitality of traditional Chinese virtues. “Zhong Nai’s words since ancient times there are dead people without confidence.” “Zhong Nai” is the word of Confucius. This sentence?