
来源 :清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uan998
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伴随着古籍数字化大潮,传统文献学尽管仍保持着很强的生命力,但其与相关子学科均面临着深刻的冲击与挑战。古籍数字化更新了传统文献学的概念和内涵,对学科建设、专业教师和人才培养都提出了新的要求;使传统目录学趋于式微,消弱了目录学“辨章学术,考镜源流”的功能和传统索引、引得编纂的价值,提出了建立数字目录学的要求;使电子校勘被充分运用、改变了传统的校勘程序;使版本的概念和内涵发生变化,版本鉴定手段趋于现代化,并促使数字版本学诞生。在这种状况下,文献学的发展既要保留优良传统,又要顺应古籍数字化发展的趋势而进行变革。 With the tide of digitization of ancient books, although traditional philology still maintains its strong vitality, it faces profound challenges and challenges with related sub-disciplines. The digitization of ancient books has updated the concept and connotation of traditional philology and put forward new requirements for disciplinary construction, professional teachers and personnel training; the traditional bibliography has tended to decline, which has weakened the bibliography "Function and the traditional index, which drew the value of compilation, put forward the requirements of establishing digital bibliography, made full use of electronic collation, changed the traditional collation procedure, changed the conception and connotation of version, Modernization and the birth of digital versioning. Under such circumstances, the development of philology should not only retain its fine tradition, but also make changes in accordance with the trend of digital development of ancient books.