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崩漏证治,古代名贤论述颇多,近世医家又不断抉其旨、立新论,从而使之益臻完善。笔者学习古今医家治崩经验,深受启迪,并结合临床实践,试将治崩管蠡之见,陈述于后,祈请同道正其不逮。一、风冷之说不应摒弃隋《巢氏病源》阐述诸经水病(包括崩漏),辄以风冷客于胞内,乘冲任之虚损使然。风冷立论,至于斯时,几成大端。而丹溪先生论经水异色时云:“今人但见紫者、黑者、作痛者、成块者,率指为风冷,而行温热之剂,则祸不旋踵矣。良由《病源》论月水诸 Bleeding and circumventing evidence, ancient ancestors discussed quite a lot, and the doctors in the modern world have continued to express their goals and establish a new theory, so as to make it better. The author learned from the experiences of the ancient and modern physicians who managed to collapse. He was deeply enlightened and combined with clinical practice to try to manage the collapse of the collapse. After the statement, he prayed that fellow practitioners were not able to catch him. One, the air-cooled said that should not abandon 隋 隋 巢 巢 病 病 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 巢 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。. As for the cold air, as for Sri Lanka, it became a big deal. And when Mr. Dan Xi talks about the water, he says, “When you see the purple, the black, the painful, and the blocker, the rate refers to the cold, and the agent of warmth is the worst thing. From the source of the disease on the water
【摘 要】 构筑人才强国兴业的系统工程,探索和运用社会主义市场经济规律和人才成长规律是正确有效地坚持党管人才原则的基础,消除束缚人才发展的思想观念障碍是前提,推进体制机制改革和政策创新,充分激发各类人才的创造活力是根本保障。必须多元联动、整体推进、协同治理。  【关键词】 领导人才;成长规律;干部选任;方法;机制;创新  【作者简介】 卢岳华,中共长沙市委党校、长沙行政学院政治学与领导科学教研部教