我是从唐师曾的文章里知道了曾彭龄将军的:“曾武官是我国著名文学家、翻译家曹靖华之子,是我在海湾战争中结成的刎颈之交……”“将军虽为武人,可著作颇丰……”崇敬之情,溢于言表。 1996年底,我收到了曹武官夫妇寄自开罗的稿件。手捧两位老学长的佳作,一股清新隽永之气破卷而出。这使我想起上小学的时候,曾拜读过曹靖华老先生的散文,当时就被其作品的美所深深陶醉,忍不住将其中的清词丽句抄在小本上,慢慢
I learned from General Tseng Tseng’s essay from Tang’s article: “Zeng was the son of Cao Jinghua, a famous writer and translator in China. It was the turn of the neck I had formed in the Gulf War.” “Although the general is an armed officer, Works quite good ...... ”reverence, overflowing with words and expressions. At the end of 1996, I received a copy sent by Cao Wu Guan and his wife from Cairo. Holding two old school masterpiece, a fresh and meaningful gas out of volume. It reminds me of the time when I was in primary school and had read the essay of Mr. Cao Jinghua, who was deeply intoxicated by the beauty of his works and could not help but copy the clear words and expressions in small books