The U.S. federal government has positively engaged in the shipping industry more than any other business unit in the country. The government is much more interested in the shipping industry, which has as long history as the country’s history. As early as the first and the second parliaments in the United States, the Low Tax Law on the Protection of Domestic Merchant Shipping was adopted. That is, the low taxation and low tariffs on certain imported goods loaded on the merchant vessels owned by its own citizens were introduced into the import of similar goods Foreign ships in the United States charge high tonnage taxes and high tariffs. The purpose is to develop the country’s merchant fleet. Today’s protectionist policies, fiscal subsidies and the expansion of the monopoly of the shipping market are still the major measures taken by the country to implement government intervention in the shipping industry. Although post-war capital outflows were used to establish a huge convenience flag fleet, the U.S. government still adopted the shipping policy legislation previously adopted. The purpose of this paper is to systematically analyze the above problems.