繁重的体力劳动引发了村民的公路梦 在乐至县城西45公里的边远山区、直接与简阳市涌泉镇接壤的地方,有一个三面环水、一面靠山、风光秀丽、景色迷人的自然村,这就是乐至县凉水乡谢家桥村。 多少年来,在这片古老的土地上,祖祖辈辈被交通不便所困扰的村民日出而作、日落而息的辛勤耕耘着。播种季节,村民靠肩挑人抬,从集镇上买回种籽、化肥播洒在地里。收获季节,村民又靠两个肩膀将农副产品挑到二、三里外的地方去卖。日复一日、年复一年,在崎岖的山路上,人们洒下的汗水可以汇聚成河。 建国以后,修通了公社到县的公路。公路的优越性很快被村民认识,并对村民产生了极大魅力。村民们盼望惨一条公路,卖粮买肥料等,哪怕用人力车
Heavy manual labor triggered the villagers’ road Dreaming in the remote mountainous area 45 km west of Lezhi County and directly bordering Yongquan Town in Jianyang City, there is a natural village with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery on three sides surrounded by water. Leliu County is the village of Xie Qiaocun Liangshui. For many years, in this ancient land, the villagers who have been plagued by traffic inconvenience for generations have been making their sunrise and the sun has been working hard. Sowing season, the villagers picked people shoulder lift, bought back from the market town, fertilizer spread in the ground. Harvest season, the villagers also rely on two shoulders to pick agricultural and sideline products to two or three miles away to sell. Day after day, year after year, on rugged mountain roads, the sweat shed by people can come together. After the founding of the PRC, repaired the commune to the county highway. The superiority of the highway was quickly recognized by the villagers and had a great appeal to the villagers. The villagers look forward to a miserable road, sell grain to buy fertilizer, etc., even with a rickshaw