找准点 拓宽路——再谈到经济增长点上找市场

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在不断发展的社会主义市场经济中,新的经济增长点是客观存在的。一个行业,一个地区,一个企业,能否按照党中央和国务院的部署,找准属于自己的新的经济增长点,积极培育和扶持它,并通过它拓宽自己的市场通道,取得良好的经济效益和社会效益,为社会主义市场经济持续、稳定、健康地向前发展作出新的贡献,除了要做好我们在本刊第二期的“到经济增长点上找市场”一文中提到的几项工作外,还应当用动态的观念研究市场需求。大家都知道,市场需求,既有现实的,也有潽在的;无论现实的还是潜在的市场需求,都不是一成不变的,而是按照市场经济规律不断运动变化的。但是,在现实经济 In the ever-evolving socialist market economy, new economic growth points exist objectively. Whether an industry, a region, or a company can identify new economic growth points of its own according to the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, actively nurture and support it, and broaden its market channels through it to achieve good economic benefits. And the social benefits will make new contributions to the sustained, stable and healthy development of the socialist market economy. In addition to doing a good job in the article we mentioned in the article “Finding a Market at the Point of Economic Growth” in the second issue of the Journal, In addition to the work, dynamic concepts should also be used to study market demand. As we all know, market demand is both realistic and ambiguous; whether actual or potential market demand is not static, it is constantly changing according to the laws of market economy. However, in the real economy
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