Objective To study the per capita daily intake of copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) in adults in Jinan city and to explore the reference value range of serum copper (SCu) and serum manganese (SMn) content. Methods From August 2007 to January 2008, 1005 healthy adults in Jinan City were investigated. The diet intake of seven days was used to investigate the intake of Cu and Mn per person per day. Microwave digestion - atomic absorption Spectrophotometric determination of SCu and SMn content. Results Daily intake of Cu per capita in urban area of Jinan was 1.78 mg and Mn intake was 4.21 mg. Male Cu intake was higher than female (P <0.05). Age factors have no significant effect on daily Cu and Mn intake per person. The SCu content in urban area of Jinan was (0.91 ± 0.26) mg / L, the reference range (P2.5 ~ P97.5) was 0.38 ~ 1.37 mg / L, the content of SMn was (7.04 ± 3.19) μg / L, The range (P2.5 ~ P97.5) was 3.54 ~ 15.56μg / L. Sex and age had no significant effect on SMn content. Female SCu content was higher than men (P <0.05). The SCu content increased with age (r = 0.14, P <0.01), while the male was slightly (r = 0.18, P <0.01). Conclusion The survey can initially determine the reference range of adult SCu and SMn in Jinan. The per capita daily intake of Cu in urban area of Jinan is lower than that of adult Chinese (AI, 2mg / d), while that of Mn is higher than that of AI (3.5mg / d).