5月27日上午9时,江苏省航道局局长陆维让、运管局局长李国凯等一行4人在苏北航务处处长俞洪南等同志的陪同下来到宝应航道站,想突然检查一下这个在荣誉室里陈列了160尊奖杯、奖牌、锦旗和奖状的“冒尖户”,有无“水份”。 固定的宣传栏、宣传牌俨然象似门卫,“站”在门旁迎接每位入门者,“乘‘三学’东风同破万里浪,立‘建功’大志更上一层楼”等10条长20米的巨型条幅从六楼飘然而下,
At 9:00 on May 27, accompanied by Lu Wei-jen, director of Jiangsu Waterway Bureau and Li Guokai, director of the Transportation Administration, accompanied by Comrade Yu Hongnan and other comrades of North Jiangsu Navigational Services Department, they came to Baoying Waterway Station and wanted to suddenly check whether this honor room There are 160 trophy cups, medals, pennants and certificates of “tip” with or without water. Fixed billboards, billboards just like the icon guard, “station” at the door to meet every beginner, “by the” three learning “Dongfeng with the waves, legislation ’build power’ to a higher level,” 10 20 meters long giant banner floating down from the sixth floor,