目的:通过对新疆鼠尾草全草提取物动物急性毒性预试验 ,观察受试物一次给小鼠后产生的急性毒性反应和死亡情况。 方法:制备全草水提物 (W)和全草醇提物 (M) ,分别测定小鼠经口最大全不致死量 (Dn)和最小全致死量 (Dm)。 结果:(1)全草水提物 (W)小鼠经口最大全不致死量 (Dn)为 2 0 g/kg体重 ,最小全致死量 (Dm )为4 0 g/kg。(2 )全草醇提物 (M)小鼠经口最大全不致死量 (Dn)为 10 g/kg体重 ,最小全致死量 (Dm )为 30 g/kg。 结论 :新疆鼠尾草全草水提物 (W)和醇提物 (M)的最小全致死量 (Dm )为 4 0 g/kg和 30 g/kg。
OBJECTIVE: To assess the acute toxicity and death of the test substance once administered to the mouse by pre-testing the acute toxicity of the whole plant extract of S. striate. METHODS: Whole plant water extracts (W) and whole herb alcohol extracts (M) were prepared, and the maximum total inactivated dose (Dn) and minimum total lethal dose (Dm) were measured in mice. RESULTS: (1) The total lethal dose (Dn) of the whole oral water extract (W) mice was 20 g/kg body weight, and the minimum total lethal dose (Dm) was 40 g/kg. (2) Whole herb alcohol extract (M) mice had a maximum oral lethal dose (Dn) of 10 g/kg body weight and a minimum total lethal dose (Dm) of 30 g/kg. Conclusion : The minimum total lethal dose (Dm) of water extracts (W) and alcohol extracts (M) from sage of S. zizanioides was 40 g/kg and 30 g/kg.