1995年12月6日,市机化局的一纸调令,把在中韩合资“一洋公司”筹建组工作的倪华古调到市染料化工厂任厂长。临行前,局党委书记、局长意味深长地对他说,这副担子可不轻啊!对于挑重担他是有准备的。记得1990年1月8日,当时在市化肥厂任车间主任的他,也是厂长一句话,不由分说地挑起了化肥厂 PVC 薄膜分厂的担子。说困难,那时就没有困难吗,有。塑料薄膜生产厂家太多,而自己厂里的设备陈旧,产品的市场竞争力弱,刚来的时候,分厂年产量才60吨,三年后,产量翻了30倍,年产量
On December 6, 1995, a paper from the Municipal Bureau of Machinery Bureau ordered the transfer of Ni Hua, who was working in the preparatory group of the Sino-South Korean joint venture “Yiyang Company,” to the factory director of the Municipal Dyestuff Chemical Plant. Prior to departure, the party secretary and director of Bureau Bureau said to him meaningfully that this pair of burdens is not to be taken lightly! It is prepared for the heavy burden on him. I remember January 8, 1990, when he was the workshop director of the fertilizer plant in the city, but also the factory director a word, without exception, provoked fertilizer plant PVC film plant burden. There is no difficulty at that time, yes. Plastic film manufacturers too much, and their own factory outdated equipment, the market competitiveness of products is weak, just came, the branch annual output of only 60 tons, three years later, the output doubled 30 times the annual output