
来源 :东方艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiao1946
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歌剧对原著情节的更动梅里美以现实主义的手法在小说《卡门》中描绘了真实的人物与情节,展示了19世纪20年代西班牙的社会生活现实。小说共有4 个部分,首先是讲述作者同唐·何塞的相识;接下来唐·何塞与卡门相识;第三部分是唐·何塞在狱中向作者讲述他与卡门的悲剧爱情故事;最后则是小说发表一年后作者补充上去的一篇关于人类学的论文。小说洋溢着鲜明的自然主义色彩,结构松散,色调暗淡,但作家娓娓动听的叙事技巧、严密的逻辑和简练的语言却让人惊心动魄,读来爱不释手。而这种魅力与歌剧脚本所需要的强烈戏剧性和舞台效应却不相吻合,因为歌剧脚本要具 Opera on the original plots of changes in the United States and the realism of Merimey in the novel “Carmen” depicts the real characters and plot, showing the real life of Spain in the 1820s social life. The novel consists of four parts, first of all about the author met with Don Jose; then Don Jose met with Carmen; the third part is Don Jose in prison to tell the author of his tragedy with Carmen love story; The last is an essay on anthropology that the author added a year later. The novel is full of vivid naturalistic colors, loosely structured and dull tones. However, the author’s appealing narrative techniques, strict logic and succinct language are breathtaking and enjoyable. And this charm does not match the strong theatrical and the stage effects needed for opera scripts because the opera script