日本神户的著名华商黄耀庭,为人和蔼,一派绅士风度。虽已高龄,却精力充沛、两眼炯炯有神。他多年从事贸易实业,颇有建树,又热心于侨界事务和民族教育,在日本侨界声望颇高。他曾经长期担任神户中华同文学校理事长、神户华侨总会会长、日本中华总商会会长等职,是旅日侨界颇有名望的爱国侨领。早年受家庭熏陶和侨校教育 1931年,黄耀庭出生于台湾省台
Kobe, the famous Chinese merchant Huangyao Ting, amiable, gentlemanly manner. Although old, but energetic, his eyes bright. He has been engaged in trade and industry for many years and has made great achievements. He is also enthusiastic about overseas affairs and ethnic education and enjoys a high reputation in the overseas Chinese community in Japan. He has long served as chairman of Kobe Chinese Tongwen School, president of Kobe Overseas Chinese Association, president of Japanese Chinese Chamber of Commerce and other staff. It is a prestigious patriotic overseas Chinese leader in Japan. In the early years, he was educated by families and overseas Chinese education. In 1931, Huang Yaoting was born in Taiwan Province