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小型制冷压缩机是小型制冷机的心脏。近几十年来,小型制冷压缩机的结构大约15年左右更换一次。转速也一再增加,产量也逐年增,在第二部分综述了制冷压缩机的主要型式.按电动机安装方式可以分为封闭式、半封闭式和开启式三种;按结构形式来分可以分为活塞式、回转式和螺杆式三种.按制冷剂种类可以分为氟里昂、氨、氯甲烷、二氧化硫几种。在第三部分简要介绍了主要的制冷剂的性能.在第四部分以小型制冷压缩机的典型代表—冰箱压缩机为例介绍了连杆式、滑管式、滚动活塞式三类冰箱压缩机的特点.最后介绍了目前国内外冰箱压缩机的生产情况. Small refrigeration compressors are the heart of small refrigerators. In recent decades, the structure of small refrigeration compressors replaced about 15 years. The rotational speed also increases repeatedly, the output also increases year by year, in the second part summarizes the main types of refrigeration compressors. According to motor installation can be divided into closed, semi-closed and open three; according to the structure can be divided into points Piston, rotary and screw type 3. According to the type of refrigerant can be divided into Freon, ammonia, methyl chloride, sulfur dioxide several. The performance of the main refrigerants is briefly introduced in the third part.In the fourth part, the typical representative of a small refrigeration compressor - a refrigerator compressor is taken as an example to introduce the three types of refrigerator compressors of the connecting rod type, the slide tube type and the rolling piston type The characteristics of the compressor.Finally introduced the current domestic and foreign refrigerator compressor production.
中国领导人也很幽默  对于中国政要们,大家熟悉的画面往往是西装笔挺、不苟言笑、一派严肃。可是,你们知道吗,这并不是政要们的全部。中国从不缺乏幽默的领袖。比如邓小平生前就是一位冷幽默高手。1982年,邓小平第一次访美,美国国务卿说:“中美建交,美国有很多人不支持,不理解,持反对态度,请问阁下,在中国内部有没有反对中美建交的?”邓小平随口回答:“有,台湾省就反对。”  胡锦涛也挺幽默。2006年,在美
annexin家族是钙依赖的磷脂结合蛋白.annexin Ⅰ是其中第一个被发现的成员,可能参与炎症、分化和增殖有关的信号传导[1].annexin Ⅰ在不同正常组织中特征性分布和表达亦不相同(白细胞、组织细胞和呼吸道、泌尿生殖道上皮和非角化鳞状上皮高表达,而在肝组织、胰腺外分泌腺无表达)[2];在各种肿瘤组织和癌前病变中表达失调,如乳腺癌[3,4]、肝癌[5,6]和胰腺癌[7]中表达增高,而食管鳞
补体是由20余种蛋白质构成的一个复杂的限制性蛋白解(limited proteoIysis)系统,藉蛋白解作用可将没有活性的天然补体成份裂解激活,级联式地进行下去,发挥抗感染,免疫调控等