
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tscy123
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采用压汞测试、低温氮吸附实验方法开展了腐泥煤孔隙特征研究。根据压汞数据分析了不同成熟度腐泥煤的孔隙结构发育情况,揭示了随成熟度增高腐泥煤孔隙结构的变化规律。发现在无烟煤阶段之前,腐泥煤的孔隙结构以微孔、小孔居多;至无烟煤阶段,微孔、小孔比例降低,大孔、中孔含量增加。与同煤阶腐殖煤相比,腐泥煤整体孔隙度较低,且孔径偏小,大孔不太发育。低温氮吸附实验显示,腐泥煤中孔径3.6nm和1.5nm的2种孔隙特别发育,呈现明显峰值,其他孔径孔隙分布较少;液氮吸附滞后回环分析表明,腐泥煤的微孔、小孔形态多样,主要为一端封闭的不透气孔、墨水瓶型孔、平行板状狭缝孔、倾斜板状狭缝孔。上述腐泥煤孔隙结构特征研究成果,对于同样以腐泥型有机质为主的页岩气储层孔隙结构研究具有重要参考价值。 The pore characteristics of sapropel coal were studied by mercury intrusion test and low temperature nitrogen adsorption experiment. According to the mercury intrusion data, the development of pore structure of sapropelite with different maturity degree was analyzed, and the change rule of the pore structure of sapropelite coal with maturity was revealed. It was found that before anthracite stage, the pore structure of sapropelite was dominated by micropores and pores. In anthracite stage, the proportion of micropores and pores was decreased, and the content of macropores and mesopores increased. Compared with the same coal rank humus coal, sapropene overall low porosity, and pore size is small, the macropores are not well developed. The results of cryogenic nitrogen adsorption experiments showed that the two kinds of pores in the sapropelite with pore sizes of 3.6nm and 1.5nm were well developed, showing obvious peaks and less distribution of pores in other pores. The analysis of liquid nitrogen adsorption hysteresis loop showed that the micropores and small Hole shape and diverse, mainly closed at one end of the imperforate, ink bottle-shaped hole, the parallel plate-shaped slit hole, inclined plate-shaped slit hole. The research results of the pore structure characteristics of the sapropel coal have important reference value for the study of the pore structure of shale gas reservoirs, which are also dominated by sapropelic organic matter.
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