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去年开水文会议的时候,我们会经印发了一本「黄委会五○年水文测验工作改进初步意见」,但根据各站一年来工作中的体会和黄河水文工作的具体要求,对于施测的方法和表报的内容格式等各方面都逐渐有了些改进,所以在今年举行水文会议之前特重加补充,希望各站都能根据以往「水文测验施测方法」参考这个新的规定去进行工作,并随时将工作中所获得的经验提出,以便更进一步的加以改进。接在木椿上刻划水尺,这种水尺大概可分为预先按设和临时按设的两种,要点在于按设牢固和观读方便。按设的方法:(1)预先按设的:用长约三公尺直径十五公分的木椿做成,于每年低水位时挖深坑栽埋,在可能范围内要尽量用乱砖石填塞椿根,普遍夯实,使椿尺牢固不易动摇或被拔去。(2)临时按设的:用长约二.五公尺直径十五公分的木椿做成,如河床是卵石,木椿的下端可加以铁尖,上端加以铁箍,以便打入地下。各种木椿水尺,打埋的深度应按椿尺的长度打入地下三分之一以上。椿尺质料的选择应以坚硬耐久且在当地易于采购的木材为适宜。割尺 Last year at the meeting on hydrology, we published a “Preliminary Opinion on Improving the Hydrometry Work of the Yellow River Society for 50 Years”. However, according to the work experience in the past year and the specific requirements of the hydrological work in the Yellow River, Methodologies and content formats of the reports have been gradually improved. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the existing hydrological conference this year with the hope that all stations will be able to refer to this new regulation based on the “hydrological test methods” in the past Carry out their work and keep the experience gained in their work ready for further improvement. Then engraved on the wooden block on the water feet, this water can be divided into pre-press and temporary set by the two, the point is that according to set up a solid and easy to read. According to the set method: (1) according to the pre-press: with about three meters in diameter fifteen centimeters made of cedar, in the low water level every year when digging deep pit burial, as far as possible with the messy brick filling Tsang roots, the general compaction, so that the Chun-foot firm not easily shaken or unplugged. (2) Provisional Press: A wooden cedar with a length of about 2.5 meters and a diameter of 15 centimeters. If the river bed is pebble, the lower end of the cedar can be iron-nosed and the upper end can be iron hoop so as to penetrate underground. A variety of wood cane water depth, burial depth should be according to the length of Crane feet into the underground more than one-third. Chun Choi material selection should be hard and durable and easily purchased in the local wood is appropriate. Cut the ruler
通过絮凝搅拌实验和旋转挂片实验,研究了新型天然高分子改性阳离子絮凝缓蚀剂FNTC在油田污水处理中的絮凝、缓蚀性能。结果表明,在3—5 mg/L 投药量下,对浊度的去除率在90% 以上;当投药量
1 病历摘要  患儿女,7岁6个月,因反复发热、咳嗽半年,加重1周于1998年4月16日入院。半年来反复发热伴咳嗽4次,体温380~395℃,对症治疗能控制症状,但易反复。首次在当地医院住院20天,X线胸片示“右肺