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【目的/意义】新兴媒介生产的媒体奇观表现出一系列新的特征,且对社会有着更深刻的影响。针对目前媒体奇观只有定性理论研究的现状,提出了定量预测媒体奇观舆情热度发展趋势的方法。【方法/过程】首先引入层次分析法构建基于微博的媒体奇观舆情热度描述指标体系。之后在查阅大量文献的基础上,改进马尔可夫链模型,通过划分更精化的状态区间、构建状态转移矩阵、预测舆情热度趋势的步骤,以“庆安枪击案”的微博数据为实证案例进行实验。【结果/结论】结果表明,层次分析法构建舆情热度指标体系和马尔科夫链模型应用于媒体奇观舆情热度趋势预测都具有较高的可行性和准确性,进而为政府、企业和研究人员分析媒体奇观的舆情发展脉络提供新的思路和方法。 [Purpose / Significance] The wonders of the media in emerging media show a series of new features that have a profound impact on society. In view of the current situation of the spectacle of the media, only qualitative research has been put forward, and a quantitative method of predicting the development trend of the wonders of the public opinion is proposed. [Method / Process] First, the introduction of analytic hierarchy process to build a microblogging media spectacle public opinion heat description index system. After that, on the basis of consulting a large number of documents, this paper improves the Markov chain model, through the steps of dividing the more refined state interval, constructing the state transition matrix and forecasting the trend of public opinion heat. Based on the Weibo data of “Qingan Shooting” Experiment for positive cases. [Results / Conclusion] The results show that the analytic hierarchy process builds the public opinion heat index system and the Markov chain model is applied to the media spectacle public opinion hot trend forecast has the high feasibility and accuracy, and then for the government, the enterprise and the researcher analyzes Media Wonders of the development of public opinion to provide new ideas and methods.
【内容提要】在融媒体时代,不同媒体间相互融合互动,新闻制作与传播的方式与理念发生了深刻变革。媒体对全能型人才的需要要求民族院校传统的新闻采访学在培养模式、教学方法、教学内容等方面都做出及时改革。而这些变迁的根基,来自于理念的转变,来自于融媒体时代下全媒体理念的建构。  【关键词】媒介融合 民族院校新闻采访学 全媒体理念  《新闻采访学》是研究新闻采访这一社会活动特殊的本质、规律、方法、途径以及新闻
利用JMCT程序模拟计算了压水堆内由核燃料裂变引起钴靶件的辐射释热率,包括裂变中子及其次级γ射线、裂变瞬发γ射线和裂变缓发γ射线的贡献,还计算了60 Co衰变产生的γ射线
<正>近日,国内手机行业的翘楚天宇朗通与美国华平投资集团(Warburg Pincus.下称"华平投资")联合对外发布.华平投资向天宇朗通注资5.3亿。与美国华平投资集团的合作,被认为是