比较墨尔本西部农用人工林和维多利州中北部唐托拉附近人工林的蓝桉(Eucalyptusglobulus)因蓝桉尺蛾(Mnesampela priVata)幼虫引起的落叶程度和叶疤桉叶蜂(phylacteophaga froggatti)幼虫引起的叶子死亡程度的种源差异。结果表明,KingIsland 种源对蓝桉尺蛾和叶疱按叶蜂的抗性比 Bass Strait Islands 种源、塔斯曼尼亚种源和维多利亚种源的强。
The degree of decay caused by larvae of Mnesampela priVata in Eucalyptus globulus and the larvae of Phylacteophaga froggatti were compared in agro-planter forests in western Melbourne and in the northeast of Victoria state Differences in provenance of leaf deaths. The results showed that KingIsland germplasm had stronger resistance to Eucalyptus globulus and leaf blight than Bass Strait Islands, Tasmanian and Victorian provenance.