Xu × ×, female, 26 years old, farmer, due to upper gastrointestinal bleeding more than severe anemia in August 1980 underwent laparotomy, intraoperative see a large number of hookworm stomach, about 1 cm long, was thin-line, stomach Multiple mucosal hemorrhage, given to clear hookworm gastrectomy. Multiple postoperative blood transfusions, anemia no improvement (hemoglobin in 3 grams% below), fecal occult blood test continued positive, bone marrow examination for iron deficiency anemia. In December the same year, fiber gastroscopy showed gastric mucosal erosion, and spot-like bleeding, still see hookworm adult. Repeated deworming and blood transfusion, the symptoms improved slightly, hemoglobin rose to 9 grams, fecal occult blood test was negative. In 1981 March the disease repeatedly, check hemoglobin 3.5 g%, stool hookworm eggs (++), strong positive occult blood test, but also to deworming, blood transfusion, not