
来源 :中国给水排水 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ohngahng
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在超高层等比例试验塔上,采用定流量排水装置排水,考察普通单立管系统在立管底部安装正压衰减器(PAPA)对系统最大正压的影响,并将其与横干管扩径条件下系统最大正压的衰减效果进行对比。结果表明:仅在排水立管底部设置PAPA时系统的最大正压衰减并不明显,其衰减效果较横干管扩径条件下最大正压的衰减效果差。 In the super high-rise equal-proportion test tower, the constant-flow drainage was drained to investigate the influence of PAPA installed on the bottom of the riser to the maximum positive pressure of the system. Diameter system maximum positive pressure attenuation effect comparison. The results show that the maximum positive pressure attenuation of the system is not obvious only when PAPA is set at the bottom of the drainage riser, and its attenuation effect is worse than that of the maximum positive pressure under the condition of enlarged diameter of the horizontal stem.
目的了解海口市中小学生的视力不良预防知识、态度及行为现状,为预防控制中小学生视力不良提供依据。方法采用自编的调查问卷对海口市1 826名中小学生进行视力检查及视力不良
外科感染是一个古老的话题。自19世纪60年代Pasteur发现细菌为伤口感染的原因至今,已有140余年的历史。由Tilney提出了多器官功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndr
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