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进入2008年,不少农机企业都调高了产品的销售价格,联合收割机、拖拉机、农具及配套柴油机、零部件等都纷纷提价,上涨幅度在5%~8%,有的甚至高达10%以上,某些产品自2007年以来已连续多次涨价……种种迹象表明,新一轮的涨价潮即将波及整个农机行业。导致农机产品涨价最直接的原因是原材料、能源价格的不断上涨,致使生产企业不堪忍受成本上升之苦。据悉,2008年铁矿石的价格比2007年同期上涨了65%,这已是铁矿石价格连续6年上涨。钢铁是农机产品的主要原材料,占机具整体质量的70%~80%,加之农机产品的消费群体又是经济水平不高的农民,价格上涨幅度有限,因此,相对其他行业来说,农机生产成本的上升对本是微利的农机企业来说,无疑是雪上加霜。另外,2007年以来,由于国际油价的持续上涨,导致汽油、柴油 Into 2008, many agricultural enterprises have raised the sales price of products, combine harvesters, tractors, farm tools and supporting diesel engines, spare parts have raised prices, the rate of increase of 5% to 8%, and some even up to 10 % Or more, some products have been consecutive price increases since 2007 ... There are indications that a new round of price spikes will soon affect the entire agricultural machinery industry. The most direct reason for the price hikes of farm machinery products is rising raw material and energy prices, causing manufacturers to stand up to the costs of rising costs. It is reported that in 2008 the price of iron ore rose more than 65% over the same period in 2007, which is the price of iron ore rose for 6 consecutive years. Steel is the main raw material of agricultural machinery products, accounting for 70% to 80% of the overall quality of the machinery. Coupled with the consumer groups of agricultural machinery products are farmers with low economic level, the price increase is limited. Therefore, compared with other industries, the production cost of agricultural machinery The rise of this is a meager profit of agricultural machinery enterprises, no doubt worse. In addition, since 2007, due to the continuous rise in international oil prices, resulting in gasoline and diesel
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