History of hip hop:5 surprising facts you might not know 嘻哈音乐史:不为人知的五件事

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  1.showcase v. 充分展示
  2.cadence n. (说话时语调的)抑扬顿挫;起落
  3.spotlight n. 聚光灯
  4.catalyst n. 催化剂
  5.scorching adj. 酷热的
  6.infamous adj. 臭名昭著的
  7.arson n. 纵火(罪)
  The roots of hip?hop culture can be traced back to the 1970s in South Bronx, New York.Though it has nowadays become one of the most popular music genres (类型) around, generating millions of dollars in sales each year, there are still many unknown things about it.
  No. 5: August 11, 1973
  On August 11, 1973, a young boy named Clive Campbell, also known as Hercules, threw a back?to?school party, where he showcased his skills on the turntables. Nowadays, this date is widely regarded as the birth date of the hip?hop genre. Hip hop has surely come a long way since then.
  No. 4: The origins of the term hip hop
  Throughout its early years, hip hop pretty much evolved(发展) without having a name. The term hip hop came along when Keith Wiggins, one of the first MCs of the genre, was teasing a friend of his who had just joined the army, and it was the phrase he used to imitate the sounds made by a marching soldiers cadence. Some way or another, the phrase made its way to the stage and it slowly grew until it was eventually used to describe the subculture as a whole.
  No. 3: Initially, the DJs were the stars
  In the early stages of hip hop, the MCs or the rappers were not the center of attention. As a matter of fact, rapping didnt become common until the late 1970s. In the beginning, it was the DJ who took the spotlight for his mixing abilities and gained the applause of the crowd. The second biggest attraction? The break dancers.
  No. 2: The first records used live bands
  When the first bands and artists started recording their songs, sampling technology was too expensive for anyone without support from a top company. Because of this, artists employed the services of small bands that could come up with the right sounds. The first rapper to start using the sampling technique was Kurtis Blow in the early 1980s.
  No.1: The New York City Blackout of 1977—The main catalyst for the hip?hop
  In the scorching summer of 1977, New York City was left in the dark for almost 24 hours, during the most infamous electricity failure in its history. Assaults(袭击), arsons, and robbery all soon followed. However, despite the violence breaking out in New York, for the hip? hop culture, the blackout provided the breakthrough needed by numerous aspiring DJs. Poor kids who otherwise would not have been able to afford the necessary equipment, now had access to only high?end merchandise. Prior to the blackout, there were only 5 known DJs in the entire city. After it, there was one on very single block.
  1.When is the birth date of the hip?hop genre? (3 words)
  2.Who named the term hip hop? (2 words)
  3.When did rapping become common? (no more than 6 words)
  4.Who was the first rapper to start using the sampling technique? (2 words)
  5.What can be the more important catalyst for the hip?hop culture? (no more than 9 words)
  Complete the following phrases according to the text.
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幸福有时候很简单:把爱好过成生活便是一种幸福!  [海词积累]  1.arithmetic n. 算术  2.sudoku n. 数独游戏  3.craze n. 狂热;疯狂  4.scrawl n. 不工整的字迹;潦草的笔迹  When I was a little girl growing up in the seaside town, there was nothing to do but
腕表是在战争中为了方便看时间而诞生的,但是身为男人最爱的玩物收藏之一的汽车,其实也与腕表有着深厚的关系。表现赛车的速度,又要体现腕表的精准计时,从内部零件到设计,都必须完美配合,若是没有机会体验真正的赛车,那么赛车表也会让你过足一把瘾。  男人天生对于速度有着某种的迷恋,如果你既要享受飙车的快感,又想保持绅士的风度,那么“赛车表”绝对是一举两得。赛车表可谓是迷你版的赛车,因为两者都涉及动能、速度、
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一段关于男人四轮座驾与两轮骑具的启示新录“四轮座驾与两轮骑具的出行组合成就了现在大众热衷的4 2生活方式革命,人们把自行车与座驾后备箱或车顶相连接,期待打通麻木的大脑与神经”……很抱歉,这些你曾经读到的或看到的并不是本文的主要内容。这次我们将聚焦汽车与摩托车这对充满矛盾的奇葩组合,看看为什么有些人在拥有梦想的座驾之后,还会情不自禁地与摩托车私奔。为此,我们特意走访了四位资深的“4 2”玩家,与他们
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