
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的:分析嘉善县2008-2013年肠道传染病发病特征和流行趋势,为制定防控措施提供科学依据。方法:对嘉善县2008-2013年重点传染病疫情资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果:2008-2013年嘉善县6种重点肠道传染病共报告9 179例,年均报告发病率为211.23/10万,占法定传染病总数的49.55%。发病数居前三位的分别手足口病(5 830例,占63.51%)、其他感染性腹泻(2 971例,占32.37%)、菌痢(213例,占2.32%);发病时间以4-7月为主,占肠道传染病发病总数的52.75%(4 842/9 179);全县各镇及街道均有肠道传染病报告,发病数和发病率均以魏塘街道最高。年龄构成以5岁以下发病率最高(159.54/10万);男女性别比为1.37∶1;职业分布以散居儿童为主(占64.78%)。结论:2008-2013年嘉善县肠道传染病发病有上升趋势,但以散发为主,应继续加强肠道门诊规范化建设,提高监测质量,以达到降低肠道传染病发病率,防止爆发疫情发生。 Objective: To analyze the incidence and epidemic trend of intestinal infectious diseases in Jiashan County from 2008 to 2013 and provide a scientific basis for making prevention and control measures. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological analysis of epidemic situation of major infectious diseases in Jiashan County from 2008 to 2013 was conducted. Results: A total of 9 179 cases of major enteric infections in Jiashan County from 2008 to 2013 were reported, with an average annual incidence rate of 211.23 / 100,000, accounting for 49.55% of the total number of notifiable infectious diseases. Among the top three cases, HFMD (5 830 cases, accounting for 63.51%), other infectious diarrhea (2971 cases, accounting for 32.37%) and bacillary dysentery (213 cases, accounting for 2.32%); the onset time was 4 July, accounting for 52.75% (4 842/9 179) of the total number of intestinal infectious diseases. There were reports of intestinal infectious diseases in towns and streets throughout the county. The incidence and incidence of these diseases were the highest in Weitang streets. The age group was the highest under the age of 5 (159.54 / 100000); the male-female ratio was 1.37:1; the occupational distribution was dominated by scattered children (64.78%). Conclusion: The incidence of intestinal infectious diseases in Jiashan County increased from 2008 to 2013. However, the distribution of intestinal infectious diseases in Jiashan County should be strengthened. The standardized construction of intestinal clinics should be strengthened and the quality of monitoring should be improved so as to reduce the incidence of intestinal infectious diseases and prevent the occurrence of outbreaks .
同学们,你们知道我们国家各个省会的简称吗?全国一共有34个省级行政区,其中包括4个直辖市、5个自治区,还有香港和澳门两个特别行政区。你们是不是看到这么多省就糊涂了呢?不要担心,只要听我讲一个方法,就可以帮助你记忆了。  第一类,从谐音入手。把省会名称中有相同字的省会挑选出来,如湖南湖北、山西江西和河南河北。湘,谐音香,鄂,谐音恶,等同于臭,香和臭(恶)是一对反义词,湖南、湖北的简称就是湘(香)鄂(
[编者按]8月21日,国家广电总局副局长张海涛在BIRTV主题报告会上发表演讲,全面透析了广电数字化发展的诸多热点,如有线、地面国标、高清、移动多媒体广播等,不乏新提法、新亮点,本刊特整理刊发重点内容,与广大读者共享。    一、村村通:无限政府买单 有线税收优惠    20户以上自然村、盲村的“村村通”建设:今年下半年国家将发射直播卫星,国家计划投入34亿元对中西部贫困县给予补助,集中采购专用卫