Based on the review of the refereeing thoughts of the second instance judge in “Fang Zheng v. Proctor & Gamble”, this paper defines the normative and legal status of the implied permission in the copyright, and obtains the implied permission is a special Conclusion of a tool that permits usufruct rather than balance of interests. Follow this line of thought, the author in the third part of the article combing the domestic and international legislation and judicial practice of implied permission. In the fourth part, I make a brief comment on the refereeing ideas of the courts of second instance in the “Founder Proctor and Proctor Case”, believing that there exists confusion between the implied permission and the restriction of rights, which not only violates the legal characteristics of the implied permit but also No respect for the party’s autonomy. Finally, the author puts forward some thoughts on the role of implied license in solving the difficulties of copyright authorization under the internet environment.