Adv Contracept.-1995,11.-239~244 该研究由印度农村医疗协会道德委员会通过,在加尔各答协会的主要培训中心施行。所有操作均由高年资的医生进行,对要求永久性避孕的妇女提供下列方案:用修改的T铜宫内节育器放置器经宫颈单次置入阿的平
Adv Contracept.-1995,11.-239 ~ 244 The study was adopted by the Ethics Committee of Indian Rural Medical Association and implemented at the Calcutta Association’s main training center. All operations are carried out by senior doctors, providing women who require permanent contraception with the following protocol: A single transcatheel cervical implant with a modified T copper IUD