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近年来,两岸经济关系在总体保持发展态势的大背景下出现了新趋向:贸易投资增速有所放缓,制度性合作推进遇阻,部分产业相互竞争性上升。这是岛内各种因素、大陆经济发展态势、两岸关系形势及外部环境等综合作用的结果,其中非经济面的制约因素明显增多。民进党上台后,两岸经济关系继续深化发展面临较大变数,存在着不同路径选择及发展前景。 In recent years, the cross-Strait economic relations have seen a new trend under the overall background of maintaining their development momentum. The growth rate of trade and investment has slowed down. Institutional cooperation has been pushed forward in times of difficulties and some industries have become increasingly competitive with each other. This is the result of a combination of various factors on the island, the continent’s economic development situation, the cross-Strait relations and the external environment. The constraints on the non-economic side have obviously increased. After the DPP came to power, cross-Strait economic relations continue to deepen the development facing greater challenges, and there are different path choices and development prospects.
摘要:在初中的英语教学过程中,教师们往往都将教学中心放在英语课本上,忽略了拓展学生们进行英语学习的资源,在传统的教学模式中,学生们也只是在完成了书本上的知识点之后就翻篇过去,效率较低,也得不到理想的教学质量。本文就如何在英语课堂中开展当堂训练进行简要分析。  关键词:初中;英语;当堂训练;反馈模式  中图分类号:G633.41文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)19-063-1