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1998年12月我足八十周岁。1938年我在翁源中学读书,参加了抗日先锋队,参加了中国共产党。建国前十二个年头,我一直在粤北工作。1944年以前,我先后在翁源、英德、清远、花县、三水、四会等地从事地下党的工作,开展抗日救亡运动。1944年下半年开始,在清远组织抗日同盟军,打击日寇,保卫家乡。1945年6月,党中央派王震部队南下,准备在粤赣湘边区建立五岭抗日根据地,我率清远抗日同盟军和东江纵队西北支队一起奉命北上南雄、始兴,迎接王震部队。日寇投降后,王震部队奉命北返,会师未果,遭国民党军队围困在始兴瑶山一个多月,后奉命率部队回翁江地区,坚持反蒋自卫斗争。1946年,东江纵队北撤,国民党全面发动内战,我奉命留下,在翁江地区坚持了三年人民解放战争。解放后,我在韶关工作了近两年,参加清匪反霸,镇压反革 December 1998 I am eighty years old. In 1938, I studied at Wengyuan Middle School, took part in the anti-Japanese vanguard, participated in the Chinese Communist Party. Twelve years before founding of PRC, I have been working in northern Guangdong. Prior to 1944, I successively held the underground party’s work in Wengyuan, Yingde, Qingyuan, Huaxian, Sanshui and Sihui and carried out the anti-Japanese national salvation movement. In the second half of 1944, the Allied Anti-Japanese Army was organized in Qingyuan to attack the Japanese invaders and defend the hometown. In June 1945, the Central Party Committee sent Wang Zhen troops southward to prepare the establishment of the Wuling Anti-Japanese Base in the Guangdong-Jiangxi-Hunan Border Region. Together with the Northwest Detachment of the Dongjiang Column, I ordered the Qingyuan anti-Japanese allied forces and northwest detachments of the Dongjiang Column to command Nanxiong and Shixing to greet Wang Zhen’s forces. After the surrender of the Japanese invaders, the Wang Zhen troops were ordered to go north and the assembly failed. After being besieged by the Kuomintang troops for more than a month in Shixing-Yao Mountain, they were ordered to lead troops to return to the Wengjiang area and insisted on fighting against Chiang Kai-shek. In 1946, when the Dongjiang column north retreated and the Kuomintang launched a full-scale civil war, I was ordered to stay and insisted on a three-year People’s Liberation War in the Weng River area. After the liberation, I worked in Shaoguan for nearly two years, participating in the Qing bandit anti-tyrants and suppressing the anti-revolution
1949年12月18日,我随国民党“川湘鄂边区军政干部学校”(下称“军政干校”)由重庆溃败到四川省峨边县的沙坪镇。该镇位于大渡河边,是一个彝族人聚居的地方。 On December 1
一风雷乍起划时代的五四运动,惊醒了祖国边陲。首先觉悟的云南各族知识分子纷纷起来集会游行,为国家的命运和前途奔走呼号。1920年,五四学生爱国运动的中坚分子、省 A thun
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皇帝要通过补裤提倡节俭,也未见得就是虚伪作秀。内务府费银三千两补裤,也未必是故意浪费起哄。双方存在于一个共同的价值体系与行为规范里头。 The emperor wants to prom
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