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苍南钱库镇桐桥村古代石棚墓群的考古发现表明,蛮话地区的原住民是古瓯族生存在鳌江冲积平原的一个族群,形成于距今3000多年前的商周时代。由于江南洋地理位置相对闭塞,因而能在战国至秦汉时期保持相对独立与稳定,从而能较好地保存着古瓯语的基本特征。唐末移民带来了部分闽东语词汇,因而蛮话具有闽东语特点;明朝设金乡卫,城外蛮话人出于借用与模仿,吸收了部分金乡卫语词汇,加上平阳长期以来是蛮话地区的政治文化中心,因而蛮话也烙上吴语(金乡话、平阳话均属吴语)的一系列特征。 The archaeological discoveries of the ancient stone tombs at Tongqiao Village, Cangnan Qiankuo indicate that the aborigines in the quite primitive region were an ethnic group living in the alluvial plain of the Aojiang River and formed in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties more than 3,000 years ago. Due to the relative occlusion of the Jiangnan Ocean, it can maintain its relative independence and stability during the Warring States Period and the Qin and Han Dynasties, which can well preserve the basic characteristics of the ancient Ou language. The end of the Tang Dynasty immigrants brought a part of the Min Dong language vocabulary, and therefore has the characteristics of Min Dong dialect; Ming dynasty established Jin Wei, outside the city because of borrowing and imitation, absorbing part of the Jin Wei Wei vocabulary, plus Pingyang has long been a political and cultural center of the Great Wall region, and therefore quite a series of characteristics of Wu dialect (Jinxiang dialect, Wuyang dialect).