To evaluate the effect of occupational exposure to toluene on workers’ neurological behavior, a cross-sectional survey of 30 female workers (mean age 25.6 years, 5.7 years of service) exposed to toluene in a factory’s electronic assembly line was conducted. The control group consisted of 30 female workers (average age 25.1 years, 2.5 years of service life, similar living habits) who did not directly contact with toluene in other sections of the factory. Both groups of workers were non-alcoholic drinks and tobacco-free, good health, no central and peripheral nervous system diseases, no psychological disorders. Eight neurobehavioral complete sets of tests including visual preservation test, visual reproduction test, follow-up test, slotted plate test, digital breadth test, digital decoding test, finger test and simple response time were performed on contact group and control group Determination. The test results were scored on a standard basis and the differences between the two groups were statistically analyzed.