1. Assuming that n individuals wear black hats, one of the n individuals can see that (n-1) individuals wear black hats, but he does not know what color hats they wear It was not until the (n-1) th turn off that no one clapped his hand, so he could deduce that he was wearing a black hat, as was the case for the other people wearing black hats, so three people weared Black hat .2.B, C, D votes a total of 44-23-4 = 17 (Zhang), C, D votes each have at least 5. If C, D votes are 6, then B’s The votes are 5, which is not appropriate. So, C, D’s votes are 5, B’s votes are 17-5 × 2 = 7 (Zhang) .3. Because the socks regardless of left and right feet, so every The socks are split into two, each of them take one.