影响因子(im pact factor,IF):期刊在某年的影响因子定义为:该年引证该刊前2年论文的总次数与前2年该刊所发表的论文总数之比。总被引频次(total citations):该刊自创刊以来所刊登的全部论文在某年被其他期刊(包括本刊)引用的总次数。即年指标(im m ediacy index):也称“当年指
Impact factor (IF): The impact factor of a journal in a certain year is defined as the ratio of the total number of papers cited in the previous two years to the total number of papers published in the previous two years. Total citations: The total citations of all papers published in the journal since its inception in other journals (including our own) in a particular year. The annual index (im m ediacy index): also known as "current year