1 提高汛限水位的必要性沙河水库位于溧阳县沙河乡,属戴溪河流域,于1958年9月动工修建,1961年11月竣工。水库集水面积148.5km~2,总库容1.09亿m~3,坝顶高程25.6m(吴凇基面,下同),防浪墙高1.1m,有效灌溉面积6040hm~2,养鱼面积720hm~2,汛限水位19m,相应库容3830万m~3,兴利水位20m,兴利库容3760万m~3。根据建库的运行记录,1984年6月14日出现建库以来最
The need to improve flood control water level Shahe reservoir is located in Shayang Township, Liyang County, is a Dai River Basin, started construction in September 1958 in September 1961 completed. The reservoir has a catchment area of 148.5km ~ 2, a total storage capacity of 109 million m ~ 3, a crest elevation of 25.6m (Wujian base, the same below), a wave-preventing wall of 1.1m, an effective irrigated area of 6040hm ~ 2 and a fish culture area of 720hm ~ 2, the flood control water level 19m, the corresponding storage capacity of 38300000 m ~ 3, Xingli water level 20m, Xingli storage capacity of 37600000 m ~ 3. According to the records of the construction of the library, June 14, 1984 the largest since the emergence of the library