机械阻抗方法在振动分析中的应用 Ⅹ 组合结构系统分析(二)

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在进行大型、复杂结构动力分析时,将会遇到阶数很高的矩阵特征值问题。为了解决计算机容量的矛盾和节省计算费用,六十年代中期提出了所谓部件模态综合技术。在结构动力分析感兴趣的较低频段内,只需要保留较少的部件(或子结构)的独立座标数,组合结构系统的矩阵阶数得以大为降低。例如,一个航天器结构系统原有32,000个结构自由度,采用部件模态综合技术后,只要250个动态自由度即可。 In the large and complex structural dynamic analysis, we will encounter matrix eigenvalue problem with high order. In order to solve the contradiction of computer capacity and save the cost of computing, the so-called part modal synthesis technology was put forward in the mid-1960s. In the lower frequency bands of interest for structural dynamic analysis, only fewer independent coordinate numbers of the parts (or substructures) need to be retained, and the matrix order of the combined structural system is greatly reduced. For example, a spacecraft structural system originally had 32,000 structural degrees of freedom. With component modal synthesis, only 250 dynamic degrees of freedom are required.