病史摘要 女,3岁。因呕血伴黑便1月于1990年6月28日入院。首次呕吐发生在进食粽子后,为鲜血及食物。继而出现柏油样便,无腹痛,稍感腹胀。体温正常。外院检查Hb47g/L,大便隐血阳性。拟诊“上消化道出血”给予反复输血1000ml及对症治疗。曾作B超检查:脾大,密度均匀,脾静脉内径1.2cm,门静脉内径1.0cm,肝内回声略粗。肝活检:肝细胞肿胀,胞浆疏松,肝小叶结构正常,汇管区无明显结缔组织增生。骨髓象:示无明显异常。因呕血、便血不止转入本院。体检:T37℃,BP12/8kPa。一般情
Female medical history, 3 years old. Due to hematemesis with melena January 1, 1990 admitted on June 28. The first vomiting after eating rice dumplings, blood and food. Then appear tarry stool, no abdominal pain, a little bloating. Normal body temperature. Outside the hospital check Hb47g / L, fecal occult blood positive. The proposed diagnosis of “upper gastrointestinal bleeding” to give repeated blood transfusions 1000ml and symptomatic treatment. For B-ultrasound: splenomegaly, uniform density, splenic vein diameter 1.2cm, portal vein diameter 1.0cm, intrahepatic echo slightly thick. Liver biopsy: hepatocyte swelling, loose cytoplasm, hepatic lobule structure is normal, portal area without significant connective tissue hyperplasia. Bone marrow: no obvious abnormalities. Due to hematemesis, blood in the stool transferred to this hospital. Physical examination: T37 ℃, BP12 / 8kPa. General situation