你对博物馆的印象是怎样的?雄伟的建筑、精心打磨的地板、板着面孔四处巡视的工作人员……如果你有幸参观一下新开放的莫斯科设计博物馆,相信会大吃一惊。虽然顶着这么庄严的头衔,实际上,它不过是一辆巴士。博物馆的四位创办者和策划人Alexandra Sankova、Nadezhda Bakuradze、Stepan Lukyanov和Valery Patkonen解释说,他们这样做一是想改变人们对传统博物馆的既有观念,二是当然也是出于无奈,之前在莫斯科也曾有过不同的组织做过建立设计博物馆的尝试,但都因为这样那样的原因未能获得成功。而莫斯科和任何一个国际性都市一样,需要一家设计博物馆。
What is your impression of the museum? The majestic architecture, the well-polished floor, and the staff who look around and look around... If you’re lucky enough to visit the newly opened Moscow Design Museum, you’ll be surprised. Although holding such a solemn title, in fact, it is only a bus. The museum’s four founders and curators Alexandra Sankova, Nadezhda Bakuradze, Stepan Lukyanov, and Valery Patkonen explained that they did so in the first place to change people’s notions of traditional museums, and secondly, out of frustration, before Moscow. There have also been attempts by different organizations to create design museums, but they have not been successful for such reasons. And Moscow, like any international city, needs a design museum.