侦审合一是公安部于建国后在公安运作体制方面作出的最重大决策之一。新体制打破了我国长期沿用的侦查和预审作为公安内部两个独立运作部门的体制,将刑侦和预审合而为一,取消了作为独立部门存在的预审。侦审合一究竟意味着预审在侦查破案功能方面的削弱和消亡,还是相反? 能否正确回答这个问题,直接关系到能否实现侦审合一的根本目标:1加1大于2。因此,对侦审合一体制下的预审工作作出正确定位是公安工作的当务之急。新体制和新形势必然要求预审功能发生变化侦审合一后,预审不再成为独立的工作部门,但预审作为一个独立的诉讼阶段依然存在,由于新体制的特殊性,再加上新形势的要求,预审的功能必然发生相应变化。首先,侦审合一后,侦破和办案从分离的前后两道工序变为同时进行的双重任务,刑侦人员一身两任,使侦破和办案同
The reconnaissance and reconciliation is one of the most important decisions made by the Ministry of Public Security on the public security operation after the founding of the People’s Republic. The new system broke the long-standing investigation and pretrial system of our country as two separate operating departments within the public security system, combining criminal investigation and pre-trial with one and abolishing the pre-trial existing as an independent department. Whether reconciliation and reconciliation means pre-trial weakening and disappearing in investigating the function of solving crimes or not? Whether we can correctly answer this question is directly related to the fundamental goal of reconnaissance unity: 1 plus 1 is greater than 2. Therefore, it is imperative for public security to correctly locate the preliminary examination under the reconnaissance unity system. The new system and the new situation will inevitably require changes in the function of pre-trial. After the reconciliation and reconciliation are unified, the pre-trial will no longer be an independent department of work. However, the pre-trial as an independent litigation stage still exists. Due to the particularity of the new system and the new situation Requirements, pre-trial function inevitable change accordingly. First of all, after reconnaissance and reconciliation are unified, the two tasks of reconnaissance and case handling from separation are transformed into two tasks at the same time. Criminal investigators are separated from one another to make detection and handling of the case