打破国界交流文化的卫礼贤提到日耳曼语言及文化对青岛的影响及两者之间的交流,有一个名字是绝对不可以被遗忘的,就是卫礼贤。卫礼贤本名Richard Wilhelm理查德·威廉,1873年出生于斯图加特,由于父亲早逝,家道中落,他只能靠着教会基金的资助进入神学院念
Wilhelm, who breaks the culture of national boundaries, mentions the influence of the Germanic language and culture on Qingdao and the exchange between the two. There is a name that must not be forgotten, that is, Wilhelmina. Richard Wilhelm Richard Wilhelm Richard Wilhelm, born in Stuttgart in 1873, fell ill with his father’s death and could only enter the seminary with the help of the Church Foundation