
来源 :上海医药情报研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liaodoctor
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时下,我国企业经营管理言必称美国,这不仅因为美国的经营管理水平高,还因为中国加入WTO,中国的企业面临美国等先进国家优势企业的冲击。美国医药零售业走在世界各国的前列,它的一举一劝都会影响到世界各国医药零售业的发展。我们从美国连锁药店协会(NACDS)了解到,他们正积极推进美国零售药店进入中国市场,据悉,Walgreens正同国内一些医药企业接触。美国零售企业一旦进入中国,将以其成熟的电脑管理技术、经营理念以及雄厚的资金实力,给国内医药零售业带来更大的冲击。国内企业有必要积极调整战略,培育经营特色和积攒经营能量。 Nowadays, the business management of our country means that the United States must say that this is not only because of the high level of operation and management in the United States, but also because of China’s accession to the WTO. The Chinese enterprises are facing the brunt of the superior enterprises in the United States and other advanced countries. The United States medical retail industry in the forefront of all countries in the world, its advice will affect the rest of the world pharmaceutical retail development. We know from the Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) that they are actively promoting the entry of US retail pharmacies into the Chinese market. It is reported that Walgreens is approaching some domestic pharmaceutical companies. Once the US retail enterprises enter China, they will have a greater impact on the domestic pharmaceutical retailing industry with their sophisticated computer management technologies, business philosophy and strong financial strength. Domestic enterprises need to actively adjust the strategy, cultivate operating characteristics and accumulate operational energy.