
来源 :中国药学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ericshen81
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答:硼酸与甘油相作用,究竟是发生酯化反应,还是发生络合反应,须视条件而定。甘油属于醇类,可与酸生成酯,如制备硼酸甘油时,将规定量的硼酸和甘油混合加热,俟水分蒸发殆尽,生成硼酸甘油酯,反应如下: A: Boric acid and glycerol phase, whether the esterification occurs, or the complexation reaction, depending on conditions. Glycerol is an alcohol, can form esters with acids, such as the preparation of boric acid glycerol, the required amount of boric acid and glycerol heating mixture, boil water evaporated to generate boric acid ester, the reaction is as follows:
加兰他敏(Galanthamine,)是一个新的生物碱,于1952年首先从石蒜科Galanthus woronowii植物中分离得到。后来,从Lycoris radiata和Galanthus nivalis植物中也找到此生物碱。