Recently, many people are discussing the decline of multiculturalism in Western democracies. Although there are divergent views on the conditions that have followed since the retreat of multiculturalism, there is also a broad consensus that we do live in an era of post-multiculturalism. In this article, the author will explore and critique this narrative about the rise and fall of multiculturalism and come up with a new framework to reflect on the choices we face. Whether the rise of multiculturalism or its decline is a very tortuous process, the rise and fall depends on the nature of the problem and the national conditions of the countries concerned. If we want to identify a more sustainable model for inclusive diversity, we need to understand these changes. In particular, the authors consider this main story to confuse the essential features of the multiculturalist experiments that have been practiced for the past 40 years, exaggerate the extent to which multicultural experiments have been rejected and misunderstood the real difficulties and limitations encountered in multicultural experiments.