
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wy2633110
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根据全区农作物种植结构、病虫源基数、气候特点及历史资料等因素综合分析,广西植保总站预计2016年上半年全区农作物主要病虫草鼠总体发生程度为中等偏重,稻飞虱、稻纹枯病在局部稻区有大发生的可能。1.水稻病虫预计总体发生程度为4级,发生面积4150万亩次。与上年相比,预计三化螟、稻纹枯病发生比上年略轻,其它主要病虫发 Based on a comprehensive analysis of crop planting structure, base of pest and disease sources, climate characteristics and historical data in the region, Guangxi Plant Protection Administration estimated that the overall occurrence of major pests, diseases and weeds in the whole region was moderately weighted in the first half of 2016, with planthoppers, Bacterial blight in the local rice area may occur. 1. It is estimated that the overall occurrence of rice pests and diseases is 4 levels, with an area of ​​41.5 million mu. Compared with the previous year, it is estimated that the occurrence of rice stem borer, rice sheath blight is slightly lighter than the previous year, other major pests and diseases