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工业环境中镉的化合物可分三类:镉烟、可溶性镉尘和不可溶性镉尘。镉在哺乳动物体内具有极明显的蓄积作用,组织内超过镉的阈量时,即可引起器官(主要肝、肾)的损害。本文仅以镉对生物体的危害,特别是对国外镉的卫生标准作一概括的阐述,供参考。一、在人体内的镉人体内镉是一种非必需的痕量金属元素,随年龄的增长,体内镉的蓄积亦不断的增多,镉不仅来自工业接触,而且亦由食物、吸烟、以及存在于大气和水中的少量镉。人的一生镉的负荷总量为15~30毫克,绝大部分的镉(取决于化合物的理化特性)是吸入进入体内,动物实验证实吸入镉的10~40%被吸收聍于体内。进入体内的1/2~3/4在肝和肾。未接触镉的工人,尿镉排出微量,一般低于5微克/升。接触镉者,由于镉在肝肾内蓄积,排出镉仅是吸收量的一小部分,且有管形蛋白尿的发 There are three types of cadmium compounds in industrial environments: cadmium smoke, soluble cadmium dust and insoluble cadmium dust. Cadmium in mammals has a very significant accumulation of the body, the organization exceeded the threshold amount of cadmium, can cause organ damage (liver, kidney). This article only to cadmium harm to organisms, especially for foreign cadmium health standards for a general description, for reference. 1. Cadmium in the human body Cadmium is a non-essential trace metal element. With age, the accumulation of cadmium in the body also continues to increase. Cadmium comes not from industrial contacts but also from food, smoking, and the presence of cadmium A small amount of cadmium in the atmosphere and water. The total cadmium load of human life is 15 to 30 milligrams. The majority of cadmium (depending on the physicochemical properties of the compound) is inhaled into the body. Animal experiments show that 10 to 40% of inhaled cadmium is absorbed in the body. Into the body 1/2 ~ 3/4 in the liver and kidney. Cadmium-exposed workers, urinary cadmium emission trace, generally less than 5 micrograms / liter. Cadmium contact, due to the accumulation of cadmium in the liver and kidney, cadmium emission is only a small part of the absorption, and tubular proteinuria hair
An experimental study was carried out to investigate the flame characterization and temperature profile for single and multiple pool fire with the influence of