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进行有效教学,保证新课程目标的实现,是我国基础教育课程改革的必然选择。体育教师也应当与时俱进,转变教学理念,掌握有效教学的策略和技术,进行有效的课堂教学设计与实施,以提高课堂教学效果,促进学生的全面发展。本人就中学体育课堂中如何实施有效教学进行了研究和探索,希望对广大同人有所启发。现总结如下:一、影响体育有效教学的因素教学的有效性,即教学活动对达成教学目标的有效程度。学生有无进步和发展是衡量教学是否有效的重要指标。结合多年教学实践,我认为有以下因素直接影响到体育课堂有效教学。1.淡化运动技能教学,使体育教学变味了。在“淡化运动技能教学”口号的影响下,一些体育课上成了“玩耍课”。一节课游戏占了绝大部分时间,而把体育教学最根本的东西,即运动技能的教学丢到了一边。2.片面理解“关注学生的运动兴 To carry out effective teaching and ensure the realization of the goal of the new curriculum is the inevitable choice for the reform of our basic education curriculum. Physical education teachers should also keep pace with the times, change teaching philosophy, master effective teaching strategies and techniques, and conduct effective classroom teaching design and implementation in order to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching and promote the all-round development of students. I have carried out research and exploration on how to implement effective teaching in the middle school PE class, hoping to give some inspiration to the general public. Are summarized as follows: First, the factors that affect the effective teaching of sports The effectiveness of teaching, that is, teaching activities to achieve the teaching objectives of the effective level. Whether or not students progress and develop is an important indicator of whether teaching is effective or not. Combined with years of teaching practice, I think the following factors directly affect the effective teaching of physical education. 1. Desalination sports skills teaching, so that sports teaching has become a taste. Under the influence of the slogan of ”Desalination Athletic Skills Teaching,“ some physical education classes have become ”playing lessons.“ A class game accounted for the vast majority of time, and the most fundamental thing in physical education, that is, teaching sports skills thrown aside. 2. One-sided understanding ”concerned about the movement of students Hing
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