
来源 :故宫博物院院刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahanyin
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康熙晚年,清廷开设蒙养斋,动用大批人力物力编纂了一部大型图书《律历渊源》。这部书编纂的缘起、经过、意义及编纂此书中康熙发挥的作用如何?这些问题迄今为止尚缺乏深入研究。本文根据近年出版的清代档案对此进行了考察,认为此次编书既是一次重大的科学活动,也是一种政治行为,同时与康熙和传教士的关系发生微妙变化有关。为编好这部书,康熙花费了大量心血。这部书的问世是明末清初中西文化交流的一个硕果。 In the later years of Emperor Kangxi, the Qing court opened Mengnianzhai and compiled a large book called “Laws of Origin” with a large amount of human and material resources. What is the role of Kangxi in the book, its origins, its significance, and its compilation? The problems so far have not been thoroughly studied. This article examines this according to the files of the Qing Dynasty published in recent years and considers that this bookmaking is both a major scientific activity and a political one, and is also related to the subtle changes in the relations between Kangxi and the missionaries. To compile this book, Kangxi spent a lot of effort. The advent of this book is a fruit of Sino-Western cultural exchanges in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.