志存高远——访最佳新闻照片奖获得者 江志顺

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3月19日晚,中央电视台播放了一条新闻:解放军报摄影记者江志顺拍摄的《中华健儿勇闯虎跳峡》,获1986年全国新闻摄影评选最佳新闻照片奖。同时推出了画面:巍峨的虎跳石矗立江心,狂吼的惊涛拍击礁石,击起冲天巨浪,小轮胎似的密封船载着二名漂流队员,悠悠荡荡,回旋而下,岸边的摄影记者们举着照相机,追盯那眼看要被惊涛吞没的小黑点……,这一惊险壮观的历史画面,把观众带回到了半年多前漂越虎跳峡的脱场。人们或许会问:最佳新闻照片奖的获得者是怎样的一个人?我兴冲冲地闯进了江志顺的家。他中等个儿,油黑的脸膛,略显消瘦的身体。“请客哟,请客哟!”他微微一笑:“不过年不过节,请什么客啊!” On the evening of March 19, CCTV broadcast a piece of news: “Chinese athletes bravely stormed the Tiger Leaping Gorge” by the shooting reporter Jiang Zhishun of the Liberation Army Army and won the Best News Photo Award of 1986 National Press Photo. At the same time launched the picture: towering Tiger jump stone stands River heart, roar of the shock tapping the reef, hit the sky waves, small tires like a sealed boat carrying two drifting players, leisurely swing, swirling down, shore Photo photographers on the other side held cameras and chased the little black spots that were going to be stunned by the sight. This spectacular historical picture brought the audience back to the Leaping Gorge over half a year ago. People may ask: What is the winner of the best news photo award? I excitedly broke into Jiang’s home. He was a middle-aged man, with a dark, black face and slightly thin body. “Please treat yo, treat yo!” He smiled: “But the New Year, what kind of customer please ah!”
黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)原产于温暖湿润的喜马拉雅山南麓热带雨林及印度北部地区,性喜温却不耐热。夏季持续高气温,使得园艺设施内伴随着高温,温室内通常通过湿帘和风机来