尊敬的澳门特别行政区行政长官何厚铧先生尊敬的全国政协副主席马万祺先生尊敬的中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室主任白志健先生尊敬的嘉宾、学者、朋友: 纪念郑观应诞辰一百六十周年学术研讨会今天在澳门隆重开幕。我谨代表主办单位对莅临本次会议的海内外学者表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的谢意! 郑观应生活的年代,正值中华民族陷入国难频仍,饱受列强欺凌的时期,也是近世中华志士奋起抗争、艰难探索救亡图兴的岁月。澳门,作为中西文化的交汇点,孕育和培养了一批近代中国早期“睁眼看世界’的先驱者和“敢为天下先”的启蒙思想家,郑观应就是其中卓有成就者之一。 澳门哺育了郑观应,郑观应为澳门争了光。郑氏在澳门郑家大屋毕五年之功,呕心撰成的《盛世危言》,堪称震撼朝野之巨著。郑氏于祖国濒临危难之时,振臂高呼:“欲攘外,亟须自强;欲自强,必先致富;欲致
Dear Mr Ho Hau Wah, Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region Dear Mr Ma Wanqi, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Dear Mr. Bai Zhijian, Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region Dear guests, scholars and friends: The 160th Anniversary of Cheng’s Birthday Today opened grandly in Macao. On behalf of the organizers, I would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to scholars at home and abroad who come to this meeting. The era in which Zheng Guan-ying should live is at a time when the Chinese nation fell into frequent bullying of the national crisis and was bullied by the powers. It was also a time when Chinese intellectuals in the world rose up and struggled to explore the path of saving the nation. As a meeting place of Chinese and Western cultures, Macao gave birth to and nurtured a group of pioneers who “opened their eyes to the world” in early modern China and one of the enlightened thinkers who dared to be the best in the world. Zheng Guanying, Zheng Guan should fight for the light of Macau.Zheng Zheng in Macau mansion completed five years of work, make up the “heyday of the word” is called shocking the ruling and opposition gentry .In Zheng’s motherland on the verge of distress, shouted : "Want to be outside, urgent need to be self-reliance; want to be self-reliance, must first get rich; want to cause