距林芝县城6公里左右有座闻名全藏的山,它就是苯日山。苯日山的山腰上有座苯教寺庙,叫色迦更钦寺,这寺相传已有1200多年的历史了。是苯教最古老的寺庙之一。这个寺每年藏历四月三十日都要过一个传统的节日——拜鹰节。 据说色迦更钦寺建于公元757年前后,那时前来朝拜的僧俗人等络绎不绝,但到了1330年左右,它已失去了往日那香火兴盛的场面,不仅信教群众来的少了,就连以前庙里的喇嘛僧人也因多种原因离寺而去。整个寺庙荒凉萧瑟,毫无生气。
About 6 km from the county seat of Linzhi famous all-mountain, it is benzene Hill. Ben Hill on the hillside Ben Bonjour temple, called the Chia Ching Ching Temple, this temple has been said more than 1,200 years of history. It is one of Bon Temple’s oldest temples. The temple has a traditional festival every April 30, Tibetan Buddhism. It is said that the Sejong Monastery was built around 757 AD. The monks and lay people who came to worship at that time were in an endless stream. However, by around 1330, it had lost its flourishing scene in the past. Not only did religious believers come less Even Lamas monks in previous temples left the temple for many reasons. The temple bleak bleak, lifeless.