Use of adenovirus vector expressing the mouse full estrogen receptor alpha gene to infect mouse prim

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pyking2003
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Estrogen plays important regulatory and protective roles in the central nervous system through estrogen receptor α mediation.Previous studies applied eukaryotic expression and lentiviral vectors carrying estrogen receptor α to clarify the underlying mechanisms.In the present study,an adenovirus vector expressing the mouse full estrogen receptor α gene was constructed to identify biological characteristics of estrogen receptor α recombinant adenovirus infecting nerve cells.Primary cultured mouse nerve cells were first infected with estrogen receptor α recombinant adenovirus at various multiplicities of infection,followed by 100 multiplicity of infection.Results showed overexpression of estrogen receptor α mRNA and protein in the infected nerve cells.Estrogen receptor α recombinant adenovirus at 100 multiplicity of infection successfully infected neurons and upregulated estrogen receptor α mRNA and protein expression. Estrogen plays important regulatory and protective roles in the central nervous system through estrogen receptor alpha mediation. Previous studies applied eukaryotic expression and lentiviral vectors carrying estrogen receptor alpha to clarify the underlying mechanisms. In the present study, an adenovirus vector expressing the mouse full estrogen receptor α gene was constructed to identify biological characteristics of estrogen receptor α recombinant adenovirus infecting nerve cells. Primary cultured mouse nerve cells were first infected with estrogen receptor α recombinant adenovirus at various multiplicities of infection, followed by 100 multiplicity of infection. Results showed overexpression of estrogen receptor α mRNA and protein in the infected nerve cells. Estrogen receptor α recombinant adenovirus at 100 multiplicity of infection successfully infected neurons and upregulated estrogen receptor α mRNA and protein expression.
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