大庆石油学院承担的LY系列抽油机节电器新技术推广项目,1994年11月通过总公司主持的验收。 LY系列电动机节电器可分为三类:自动调压节电器、调频调速节电器和分级补偿节电器。该系列电动机节电器主要用于输油和机采系统,可用以提高系统的运行效率。自动调压节电器适用于轻载变负荷的三相异步电动机,尤其对轻载工作时间相对较长的电动机节电效果更为明显,而且还能够增加电机运行安全系数。变频调速节电器输出频率1~50Hz;输出电压1
Daqing Petroleum Institute LY series of pumping units Power Saver new technologies to promote the project, in November 1994 adopted by the head office acceptance. LY series motor Power Saver can be divided into three categories: automatic regulator Power Saver, FM Speed Saver and grading compensation Power Saver. The series motor saver is mainly used for oil and mining systems, can be used to improve the system’s operating efficiency. Automatic voltage regulator for light load variable load three-phase asynchronous motor, especially for light-duty motor longer work-saving effect is more obvious, but also can increase the motor running safety factor. Frequency control speed Saver output frequency 1 ~ 50Hz; output voltage 1