
来源 :语文学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reich_ss
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汉语中所有与孝有关的熟语类聚为一个完整的孝文化熟语系统。该系统中语汇成分的叙述题材涉及到对孝的重视、孝的积极作用、家庭作风对孝的影响、教子之法、子女义务和忠孝关系等方面的内容,每条熟语都以其独特的题材和方式传达着丰富的文化信息和价值取向。 All Chinese related filial piety converge into a complete filial piety system. The narrative theme of the component of the system involves the content of the emphasis on filial piety, the active role of filial piety, the influence of family style on filial piety, the law of clergyman, the obligation of children and the relationship between loyalty and filial piety. Each idiom has its unique subject And way to convey a wealth of cultural information and value orientation.